Stewardship Services
Our various stewardship programs encourage responsible, sustainable use of the land for the benefit of people, wildlife, habitat, water quality, and overall ecological integrity.
We provide support to community landowners and residents by providing professional technical advice, education, and funding for stewardship projects. Local contractors are able to maintain a reliable source of stewardship work and funding.
Fire Preparedness
Through securing grant funding, we provide cost-share assistance and technical expertise to private landowners looking to reduce fuels on their property.
Insects & Disease
Deterring pine beetles that attack and may kill trees. Bark beetle infestations can become epidemic, killing large patches of trees. We offer pheromone packets and installation to deter bark beetles from target trees.
Wetland Restoration
Returning the land to its natural hydrology by restoring drained and ditched wetlands on private and public lands.
Hands-on Learning Opportunities
We offer multiple ways for members of the public to learn more about forest stewardship. Always check our events page for upcoming workshop announcements.
Have a stewardship project on your property? We want to help.
We’re happy to offer free consultations, financial assistance, and technical skills wherever we can; and if we’re not the best ones for the job, we’ll put you in touch with those who are.
For Swan Valley Bear Resources:
Contact Jackie
For forest stewardship:
Contact Mike
For wetlands:
Contact Luke